10 good reasons to wander in Marylebone

I love this part of London. This is smack in the middle of the city, but as soon as you have left the main streets you can enjoy a peaceful area, almost forgetting you are in a crowded and noisy capital… And Marylebone has much to offer: whether you are a busy worker, a curious tourist, a careful mother coming to a doctor’s appointment (Harley Street counts many doctors specialists), or a local in love with his neighbourhood, you’ll find plenty of interests in Marylebone!

Westminster’ Eyes

This part of central London counts the most iconic attractions that are unavoidable for any visitor of London. The area of Westminster is dominated by the business of government : from Westminster Abbey and The Houses of Parliament to Trafalgar Square, I have tried to captured the mood of the area…

London’s mirror

London’s buildings are too diverse to be characterized by any particular architectural style, but a common point to many of those contemporaries is the use of glass and large windows that gives the opportunity to create interesting effects on photographs.